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Welcome to my modest archive of Person of Interest fan-fiction written by me, Katica Locke. This is my absolute favorite TV show, the best one I’ve seen in years, and I completely adore the two main characters, Mr. Reese and Mr. Finch. Most of my stories are devoted to the Reese/Finch pairing, which means slash (homosexual) content. If that’s not what you’re looking for, thanks for stopping by and I wish you well. For the rest of you, I hope you enjoy!

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“You are being watched. The government has a secret system, a machine, that spies on you every hour of every day. I know because I built it. I designed the machine to detect acts of terror, but it sees everything — violent crimes against ordinary people, people like you — crimes the government considered irrelevant. They wouldn’t act so I decided I would, but I needed a partner, someone with the skills to intervene. Hunted by the authorities, we work in secret. You’ll never find us, but victim or perpetrator, if your number’s up, we’ll find you.” — Original opening sequence from Person of Interest.

  1. Karen Green permalink

    I love your PoI fic! The characters are very true to the show, even when engaged in activities we’re not likely to see on the show. (g) Can’t wait for more!

    • Thank you! Keeping the characters in character is very important to me. I know I don’t always succeed, but I try. ^_^

  2. Cindy Kissell permalink

    You are the absolute best POI writer – fanfiction or otherwise. The show’s staff should consider adding your talent to their creative ensemble!

    • D’awww, thanks! I think I’ll stick to fanfic, though — network TV has too many content restrictions, lol!

  3. personofinternet permalink

    Oh, nice! What a neatly arranged archive of your works. 🙂
    You’re one of my favorite Person of Interest fanfic writers. ❤

  4. I love so much your POI Fic!!! I’m want to drawing, When I read your Fic. Your story extremely inspires me.

  5. Marnita permalink


    I had this window open so I could re-read some of your work when I shut down last night. Today, when I opened up my laptop the music started and totally FREAKED me out!! LOL I’d forgotten that I had turned up the music to listen to a youtube video my daughter insisted I not miss. Imagine my glee as I started to set up to check my email, etc. Made me feel right at home and part of the conspiracy! LMAO

    Oh, my. I really need to get a life outside of the wonderful fantasy we have in here. OK, on second thought, ….. NO!

    Thanks for the welcome, even though it was unintentional. 😉

    Keep up the great work you do. Please!

  6. Hello! I just want to say that I *love* your POI fics 😀
    I was lucky to come across your fic on AO3, “Be Careful What You Wish For”, which is amazing!
    Through it, I found this WP site of yours where I then read “Damaged”, honestly it’s the greatest POI fic I’ve read so far *_* I haven’t read its latest chapters yet, but I have to say that your writing is really good and engaging, it made me read 34 chapters in one sitting ^^; I also love your characterization and H/C, everything just tugs at my heartstrings.

    Just… Great work, dear! I’m so looking forward for your updates ^^ ♥

  7. Anonymous permalink

    Hi I just wanted to say thank you for the fic. It is 04:15 on a Tuesday morning… having just discovered a story on FF earlier and following a link over here I have been up all night reading. I just wanted to let you know how much I am enjoying your work and your POV on the characters. Thanks again. You now have another devoted follower 🙂

  8. Hi there! I would just like to say again what a wonderful artist and author you are. It’s truly amazing how the language is articulated in such a way that readers experience a sense of actually being in the setting.
    I know you are probably very busy, I was hoping I could make just a small request. I am a huge Rinch shipper, and completely head over heels for Finch/Michael Emerson. I also have a bit of a hand and arm fettish (I know it’s weird). I’ve tried writing my own, but it just doesn’t have the same fulfilling and satisfying deliverance that your stories have. I was wondering if, on your own time of course, if maybe you could write a short little something, kinda like the water on the glasses series, with a focus on hands.
    Thanks again for being awesome!

    • Thank you so much! I’m glad you enjoy my work. ^_^
      I had decided to give fanfiction a break for a while and concentrate on writing my own original fiction, but I really like your idea. I don’t think it’s weird, either. I have a shower/water fetish, as you can probably tell from my Water Spots series, lol.
      I’ve got some projects on my plate right now, but keep checking back and I’ll see what I can do. ^_^

  9. “A Concerned Third Party” ended up being in fact entertaining and enlightening!
    In modern world that is quite hard to deliver. I am grateful, Valarie

  10. reila14 permalink

    Hello! * Nods *
    Amo very POI, their stories are fascinating, you have creativity
    bye >0<

  11. thepurplejunkie permalink

    I was wondering if you’d ever consider writing the POV of Reese and Finch for the episode “Relevance”. I think it would make such a cute story (or mini-series?) if you did it. 🙂

  12. violindesherlock permalink

    OMG i am really a fan of yours!! please continue with your amazing work, sorry for my english 😀

  13. skshigan permalink

    Wow, just wow!!
    I’ve followed for quiet a lot of time and finally I managed to create an account to be able to comment, I feel fulfilled! 😀
    I pray you already from the beginning to forgive any mistake I may make while speaking English, since it isn’t my mother language.
    Anyway I’ve read first some of your stories on your FanfictionNet profile, like the “Water Spot” series and “Merry Christmas, Mr.Finch”, and then found your own website here and… I just giggled so much (and I’m still doing it now! ;)) seeing I don’t know what I can do now without your stories! You’re probably the only proof on the planet I can get dependent on something beside the Internet XD
    Your writing style is really enthralling, you have an incomparable way to make us lectors simply hang off your words!!
    ^^ I don’t know how else express my happiness if not in these words I’ve written (because differently from you e’re not all Wizards Of Words ;D)
    Keep up the great work!!!

  14. In fact when someone doesn’t be aware of after that its up to other viewers that they will help, so here it takes place.

  15. Mary permalink

    I enjoyed all your stories. Here’s an idea. Why not work on one about Finch reuniting with Grace only to discover that he truly loves John. That would make for interesting reading.

  16. omg i really miss you !!!

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